Common knowledge of railway freight transportation

Date:2024-04-22 Reading:

一、 Freight knowledge

1. The types of railway freight transportation are divided into whole vehicles, less than truckload, and containers.

If the weight, volume, or shape of the batch of goods needs to be transported by more than one truck, they should be transported as whole vehicles; If the transportation conditions for the whole vehicle are not sufficient, it shall be consigned as less than truckload; Those that meet the conditions for container transportation can be shipped in containers. For goods consigned under less than truckload, the volume of one piece shall not be less than 0.02 cubic meters (except for a piece weighing more than 10 kilograms), and each batch shall not exceed 300 pieces.

2. The following goods shall not be consigned as less than truckload:

A. Goods that require refrigeration, insulation, or heating for transportation;

B. Dangerous goods that are limited to whole vehicles according to regulations;

C. Dirty materials that are prone to contaminating other goods;

D. Bees;

E. Goods that are difficult to calculate in quantity;

F. Live animals without containers;

G. A cargo weighing more than 2 tons, with a volume exceeding 3 cubic meters or a length exceeding 9 meters (except for those confirmed by the departure station that do not affect the loading and unloading operations at the transfer station and arrival station).

3. Common names, codes, and uses of railway freight transport vehicles

(1) Open car (C): can transport goods that are not afraid of moisture, such as tarpaulin after loading, and can also transport goods that are afraid of moisture;

(2) Box car (P): used for transporting valuable and moisture resistant goods;

(3) Flat car (N): mainly used for transporting steel rails, cars, tractors, military supplies, as well as long and bulky goods;

(4) Refrigerated truck (B): mainly used for transporting perishable goods;

(5) Animal cart (J): used for transporting poultry such as cows and pigs;

(6) Tank truck (G): Specially used for loading goods in liquid state.

二、 Basic requirements for consigned goods:

1. The shipper shall provide a list of goods in triplicate if there are too many names of goods to be filled in one by one on the waybill, or if there are two or more types of goods in the same packaging for moving goods;

2. The shipper shall be fully responsible for the authenticity of the information filled in the waybill and item list, and shall also pay a penalty in accordance with regulations when concealing or misreporting the name and weight of the goods.

3. When consigning perishable goods, the shipper shall fill in the name of the goods in the "Goods Name" column of the waybill, and indicate their serial number and thermal status. At the same time, the allowable transportation period for perishable goods shall be indicated in the "Shipper's Record" column. When consigning perishable goods that require quarantine transportation, a quarantine certificate should be submitted in accordance with relevant national regulations.

4. When consigning dangerous goods, the consignor must provide a "Railway Dangerous Goods Consignor Qualification Certificate", the operator's ID card, and a certificate of qualification for railway dangerous goods transportation business training.

When consigning dangerous goods, the name and number of the dangerous goods listed in the dangerous goods index table should be filled in the "Goods Name" column of the cargo waybill, and the category should be marked with a red stamp in the upper right corner of the waybill. When consigning dangerous goods that are not listed in the index table of dangerous goods, the consignor shall submit a technical manual for the transportation of dangerous goods that has been reviewed and approved by the competent department at or above the county level to the originating station before consigning, and the originating station shall apply for approval procedures in accordance with relevant regulations.

The consignor shall transport hazardous materials such as flammable, explosive, toxic, corrosive, and radioactive materials in accordance with relevant national regulations on the transportation of hazardous materials. The hazardous materials shall be properly packaged, labeled and labeled, and written materials on the name, nature, and prevention measures of the hazardous materials shall be submitted to the carrier.

5. When consigning less than truckload goods, the shipper shall clearly and clearly mark each piece of goods, and the markings shall be made of tough materials. Stick or nail one at each end of each item. If the packaging is not suitable for sticking or nailing, a hanging method can be used. In addition to using durable materials such as cloth, wood, metal or written labels for checked luggage and moving goods, markings (labels) should also be placed inside the packaging of the goods. The consignor shall, based on the nature of the goods and in accordance with national standards, make packaging, storage and transportation diagram markings on the packaging of the goods. Any transportation markings and packaging, storage and transportation diagram markings unrelated to this batch of goods must be removed or erased by the consignor.

6. Freight transportation packaging: The shipper should use transportation packaging that meets transportation requirements, is convenient for loading and unloading, and ensures the safety of the goods based on the nature, weight, type of transportation, transportation distance, climate, and truck loading conditions of the goods. If there are national packaging standards or railway packaging standards (industry packaging standards), packaging shall be carried out according to national standards or railway packaging standards (industry standards).

7. The shipper must send someone to escort the goods: live animals, do you need them? Fresh plants transported by water, goods transported by fire and heating, and goods transported by locomotives and rail cranes, as well as goods sent by designated escorts, must be transported by the shipper. The number of people to be transported should not exceed 2 per batch, except for specific cases.

三、 Payment Notice for Shippers:

1. After the purchase of less than truckload and container goods is completed and inspected by the departure station, the freight and miscellaneous fees must be paid on the same day. The whole vehicle cargo should be paid for freight and miscellaneous fees on the day of shipment at the departure station. For goods carried after 18:00, payment can be made the next day. If the deadline is exceeded, a late payment fee of 1% will be charged daily.

2. When the freight and miscellaneous fees cannot be credited on time due to the shipper's responsibility, the carrier shall charge a late payment fee in accordance with regulations.

4、 Shipping knowledge

1. The consignor handling the transportation of goods shall accurately indicate the name of the consignee, the name, nature, weight, quantity, and destination name of the goods to the carrier in the waybill, and shall be responsible for their authenticity.

2. The consignor shall deliver the consigned goods to the carrier in accordance with the time and requirements stipulated in the goods transportation contract, and pay the prescribed transportation fees to the carrier.

3. If the transportation of goods requires approval, inspection and other procedures, the consignor shall submit the documents that have completed the relevant procedures to the carrier.

4. When consigning goods, the shipper shall not carry dangerous goods among ordinary goods.

5. Goods that require special care during transportation must be escorted by the shipper.

6. When the consignor consigns goods to the carrier with the cargo waybill, they shall comply with the relevant regulations of railway freight transportation.

7. The shipper should promptly send the receipt to the consignee and use it to contact the destination station to collect the goods.
